Bills, receipts and other documents from the Office of Green Peyton, Proctor, University of Virginia, including bills from Oscar Cranz and others [manuscript] 1873-1877.


Bills, receipts and other documents from the Office of Green Peyton, Proctor, University of Virginia, including bills from Oscar Cranz and others [manuscript] 1873-1877.

17 items.


SNAC Resource ID: 7932171

University of Virginia. Library

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

University of Virginia. Proctor (corporateBody)

The Proctor was responsible for the daily operation of the University, and especially for the collection of all funds owed to the University. From the description of Reports and correspondence of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, 1833-1867. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 70214508 ...

Cranz, Oscar (person)

Peyton, Green, 1907- (person)